Photographer SawaSawa の極秘の撮影テクニックを秘伝いたします。
Hello to every one !!
I am SawaSawa, professional photographer,
and am Representative of “SawaSawa Photography” .
The place I live in is Izu Peninsula, Japan,
which located in one and half drive from Tokyo.
Izu Peninsula has abundant nature.
Being surrounded by the deep sea with
various kinds of tropical fish in the summer.
It also has famous mountains like Mt. Amagi,
full of geographic sites and delicious sea food and
Japanese original vegetables such as wasabi.
Izu Peninsula is full of beautiful landscape and scenery,
I moved from Tokyo in 2002 to take photos.
I would like to introduce you the beautiful sightseeing spots
which many people still do not know and
show you the hidden places with photos and maps!
At the same time, the ideal places to take photos
and the technique to shoot, the cameras
and the lenses, the applications for developing RAW data
(processing Image data) is available.
You will acquire the technique of shooting photos
which I, Photographer SawaSawa acquired.
Please enjoy the world of Izu Peninsula on my site.
Thank you very much !

Photographer SawaSawa
フォトグラファー サワサワ

下田 吉佐美大浜

下田 吉佐美大浜

伊東 小室山 つばき園

伊東 伊豆高原

伊豆市 浄蓮の滝

伊豆市 修善寺

南伊豆町 逢ヶ浜

下田 ペリーロード キャンドルカフェ

伊東 城ヶ崎海岸
このサイト内のすべての画像・文章・イラスト等の著作権はSawaSawa Photographyに帰属します。
Copyright © SawaSawa Photography All Rights Reserved.
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